PG Property Holdings


NYSEG       (Electric & Gas Services)



Corning Natural Gas (CNG)      (Gas Service in Steuben county)

(607) 936-3755



Any Emergency                         911

Corning Police                          (607) 936-9332   option #5

State Police                              (607) 962-2112

Steuben County Sherriff            1800-724-7777

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure

Many houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains high levels of lead (called lead-based paint). Lead from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health hazards if not taken care of properly. OWNERS, BUYERS, and RENTERS are encouraged to check for lead before renting, buying or renovating pre-1978 housing.  Please see the file on protecting your family from lead below.